Friday, December 10, 2010

The movie of mice and men and the book of mice and men were very similar. I could only find a few things that are different. For example, in the beginning of the movie it shows a woman in a red dress running and screaming, and in the book she wasn’t introduced until later. Another thing I noticed is in the book they did not ride a train. In the movie it showed them jumping into a moving cargo train when in the book it only showed them riding a bus and walking.

 Another difference I noticed was in the movie when Lennie was with the stable buck George came in instead of Candy. But in the book Candy came in and started to talk to Stable Buck about the plot of land and how the were going to get it. The main thing I noticed was the ending of the movie. In the book George is sitting with Lennie talking about how everything is going to be okay for a long time. And when George shoots Lennie he sticks around and tells the guys that he did it in self defense. But in the movie, George comforts  Lennie for a few seconds and shot him, and then ran away like he wanted to do it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

You are to write a letter to George telling him whether or not you agree with his decision to kill Lennie. In this 2 paragraph long response you are to include evidence from the book=quotes to support your reasons.

Dear George, I see where your coming from with your decision to kill Lennie. The main reason is because you made Lennie feel comfortable and happy in his last moments, for example,"we'll have a cow, said George. An' we'll have maybe a pig an'' down by the flat we'll have a...little piece of alfalfa, for the rabbits" when George said this to Lennie it made him feel happy and joyful. If Lennie didn't pull the trigger, Curley would have, and he would have made it a slow and painful death because he hated Lennie with a passion. I think George did Lennie a favor by killing him." I'm goin', he said. Im gonna' shoot the guts out of that big bastard myself"" this quote  shows Curleys' hatred for Lennie. And i don't really blame him, Lennie snapped his wifes neck! I would have probably acted the same way. But Lennie doesnt deserve to have a painful death because he never meant any harm, he deserves a fast and peaceful death with his best friend talking him through it. George has also learned from others mistakes because Candy regrets having Slim kill his dog and not doing it himself. "I oughtta of of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn't oughtta of let no stranger shot my dog.  

 But you had other options that were less extreme then taking a life, you could have ran away with Lennie just like you did in the last town. If you'r escape was unsuccessful then, and only then, should you have shot Lennie. But in the long run having Lennie dead was a positive thing, he wont "hurt" anymore girls, and you can live you'r life. Even though Lennie was a nice guy that didn't mean any harm, he is better off dead, for himself, and everyone around him.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Of Mice and Men Part 2

Lennie wants to leave the ranch because he is scared that Curley, the boss's son, will hurt him. Curley doesnt like Lennie because he is a big guy and he is a little guy, but Curley is a good fighter so he can hold his own against Lennie. " I don't want no trouble" he said plaintively. "Don't let him sock me, George." In this quote it describes how scared Lennie is of Curley and how he will resort to violence if Lennie does something to set him off. I think Curley will get mad at Lennie later in the story because his wife will be flirting with Lennie and Curley will get jealous. The reason why Curley is such a big problem is not only the fact that he may hurt Lennie or even George. but he is the boss's son and if they get in a confrontation then they will be fired for sure. This quote supports my statement,"if he tangles with you Lennie, we're gonna get the can. Don't make no mistake about that. he's the boss's son." so this shows that Lennie and george will do anything they can to prevent a confrontation with Curley. If Curley wasn't the boss's kid, i think George would take care of him right away, but he needs to contain himself to protect his job.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Of Mice and Men Part 1

1) Discuss why Lennie is dependent on George.

Lennie is dependent on George because he "isn't all there". Lennie has a very hard time remembering things and needs a caretaker. George takes that position. For example, Lennie was drinking a lot of water from a lake and the water was not good water to drink so George told Lennie that you should only drink water when its flowing so you wont get sick.

) George says, "I could live so easy and maybe have a girl" if he weren't with Lennie. Why do you think he continues to keep Lennie around?

I think he keeps Lennie around because he told his mom or his dad that he would take care of him. i think this because dumb people like Lennie are usually taken care of by their parents or family member. Or Lennie was abandoned and George found him on the street, something along those lines. Whatever the reason, George cares for Lennie very much and will take very good care of him.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

speak interview

1. I interviewed Dennis Onggo.

2. I think that the tree symbolizes that she is one in a million and she is no different from anybody else. He thinks this because she acts like a loner because everybody hates her for one mistake she did but everybody makes mistakes and people should get over it and move on.

3.I think she is isolating herself from the school but the school is helping to isolate herself. She tries too hide so she is isolating herself. And the school is isolating herself by letting other student ignore her and not making her talk is counseling.

4.If her parents were involve she would be more open and her parents would know what she went through. And they would be able to intervene and help her through the crisis she went through.

5.I think the book is a bit from reality and a bit far-fetch from the truth. But it could happen to any person. But most people would tell about their experience over time and thats what she is doing now.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


i was very happy with my GPA because I met the required GPA for many colleges. but i also wish i was taking honors classes so i can take advantage of the extra points i can achieve. if i keep this gpa up until my senior year, i doubt i will have any problems getting a scholarship.

i learned that i need to take part in commuity service and do extracurricucular activities to be accpeped into high achieving colleges. i also learned that colleges like to recruit stdents from out of state to have a more diverse community. i also realized how expensive some of these colleges are, if i dont get a scholarship. i dont know how im going to get into a good college.

ive been thinking about what path im going to take for the last five minutes and realized that i have absolutely no idea. i probobly wont know what i want to do for a living until i graduate college ! all i know is that i want to make a good amount of money but not having to work every day for eight hours+. i can see myself being a lawyer. or an electrician. im really not sure.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

touching the jello ;)

Please describe the feeling that you had when you were waiting to "touch" as well as the feeling once I dipped your hand in to the vase. You cannot mention the word Jello. It must be at least 10 sentences, using descriptive language and at least 5 similes/metaphors.

My heart was racing, as if i was free falling from an airplane. the only thing i could hear was Diana's faint footsteps grow louder and louder, then the footsteps were silent i can "feel" her standing next to me, my heart is beating faster now, faster than ever. i felt like a character in a scary movie being chased by a man with a deadly chainsaw, the only difference was i was completely still. suddenly she violently yanks my hand and has total control over my actions, as if i was a puppet. she slams my hand into a cold container then my hand finally dives into a mushy substance which feels like she dipped my into in open persons stomache. i can feel the intestines and blood flowing in between my fingers. my hands were then slowly removed from the chilled container i can feel a thick substance dripping from my finger. i try opening my eyes but the blindfold restricts my vision. i can hear the reactions of my classmates, all gasping in disbelief that they are touching this unforgiving substance i can hear the others hand penetrating the surface of the thick, mucky material.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


u can hear the waves build up force and then suddenly crash along the shoreline and sweep across the sand. children try to escape the waves as if the wave was  a boat about to collide with the children. you can hear the sound of a child crying and cant make out her words and the crying turns into giggling. silence... the children have stopped playing and the waves have stopped forming until you can hear the distant waves pick up again, then the children let out a playful yell and run away from the waves. by the sounds of those children i can tell there happier than a surfer at the beach. you can hear the trampling of feet as the waves get closer and closer to shore. and when the wave slowly drifts back out to see, the children follow the flowing water back to sea, awaiting the next adventure

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

mwb part 3

i feel as if i am not part of a group when i get together with my friends Jarret and Tyler because they are both on a lacrosse team, and if they ever start talking about a game i just wait there quietly until their discussion is over. I mean i dont know anything about lacrosse. Another time where i feel as if am not part of a group is when mot of the people im with can already drive, when I dont even have my permit. It just makes me feel like a loner because i cant drive.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

mexican white boy prt 2

1) ? "Uno studies Danny's black eye. From his fist. A wave of regret passes through him." Why do you think Uno regrets the situation with Danny? Do you think that Uno will ever admit this to Danny? Why or why not?
2) Danny talks about how he would freeze up in front of the Leucadia Prep baseball team, why do you think he has an easier time in front of the National City boys?

1.)   Uno regrets hitting Danny because he realizes that he is starting to accept the fact that Danny is better then him. The only reason he hit him in the first place is because he was in a jealous  rage and couldn't accept the fact that this "outsider" was better than him. I doubt Uno will ever admit this to Danny because he is to proud. 

 2.)   i think danny feels as if he needs to impress the leucadia prep boys because in his eyes they are a higher rank in society and in national city he feels a lot more comfortable because he doesn't feel like he needs to impress anyone. At points he feels like he does need to impress people in national city, nut the pressure isnt as intense compared to leucadia.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

mexican white boy prt 1

During Mexican white boy, Uno punched Danny in the face supposedly because he accidently threw a bat at his step brother. Bt the real reason uno hit Danny was because Danny was getting home runs off unos' pitch so Uno just needed an excuse to beat up Danny, im not saying he didnt care about his step brother, i just think he wouldn't have been so violent if he didn’t get good hits off his pitches. If you have ever played a game and was being dominated by a person on the other team, you can understand how Uno felt.