Some parts of Suheirs' poem included when she talked about the boys dying in war. "Our boys' deaths galvanized". This astounded me because there are countries that recruit children to the front lines of war with no military training. And Die. This quote send chills through my spine. "I will not side with you or dance to your bombs because everyone is dancing. Everyone can be wrong". This quote struck me because she was able to hold on to her opinion and say that this war is wrong, whether or not everyone thought otherwise. She never thought she was wrong. Suheir believed that she was right, and everyone around her was wrong. That to me is an amazing thing, It is so hard to hold on to your conception of something when everyone is "dancing" about their perspective.
When Suheir spoke about how the government repressed her people in this line, "I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance". I thought of how Marjane and her think very much alike. The two both lived in a country where a government took away rights and tied people down, they also both rebelled and wanted change. "I will not forget where i come from". I also found a connection between this quote from Suheir and Marjane. Because Marjaned grandmother told her to never forget who you are. Both Marjane and Suheir were greatly devoted to their background.
The part that struck me the most was how much poverty the authors went through. Its unbelievable that some people live in terror, for example having bomb alarms and never knowing when that alarm will go off, and who will die. It could be you, that alarm is the sound of death. Another thing that appalled me was the part where Suheir talked about talked about land mines. That just made my stomach turn.
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