Monday, January 31, 2011

Street Art

Some Qualities I noticed in the documentary was how different artists made their art differently. Some artists used stencils to show their art and others printed there art and just pasted it onto a wall.  For our art pieces we will use the Chris Jorden art style. we will make a coffee cup and pixelate the image and make each pixel represent how many coffee cups end up in a landfill every second. Its going to be epic.

Something that amazed me was the fact that the artists went through so much work and risked getting arrested, not only that, they they risked their lives. It amazed me to see how important it was to get their art out there and express themselves.

The decided that instead of having a boring art exhibit. They would post there art all over the city. Some artists wrote a note explaining what their art piece's message is. And others made there message made it a little bit harder to grasp. Like  Invader, all he did was post space invaders all over the city and it was hard to tell that he was saying that we are being invaded by technology.

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